Monday, June 29, 2015

Make Patriotic Wreathes For Our Local Veterans!

All Tweens and Teens (those who are going into Middle school or High school)!

We invite you to give back to our local heroes, our Veterans and active military! We are going to be making Patriotic Wreaths pictured below to give to our local Veterans to honor their sacrifice. 

The only requirement is to please call and let us know if you are coming, so we can have enough materials! 

Our phone number is 863-425-3246, ask to speak to or leave a message for Sofia Simpson, the Assistant Director.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lazer Madness!


This Wednesday, June 24th.

In action packed spy and superheros movies, there has been at least one scene where our heroes is separated from their objective by complicated and dangerous laser field. Honestly, who hasn't wanted to try it out for themselves? This upcoming Wednesday at two o'clock, teens and tweens are invited to experience the adrenaline of trying to maneuver ones way though such a treacherous field while competing against other teens to see who is the Top Hero! Do you have what it takes to get through unscathed? Come and prove to us you do! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

School Is Out and Summer is Upon Us!


Now that school is out and most of us have more free time than we know what to do with, what is a better way to spend your time than at the Mulberry Public Library! Every Wednesday of this summer holds Tween and Teen events coordinated especially for you, but while you are not at the wonderful new library, you can be reading books to complete challenges in the Tween and Teen Summer Reading Program for prizes! All you have to do is sign up and complete the challenges to win! Tween's sign up here ->Tween Summer Readers and Teens sign up here -> Teen Summer Readers
Lose yourself in the worlds of Divergent, Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, and the various other places in the pages of the books in the Tween/Teen room in the Library, whither it be in the with friends chilling out in the library, or at home curled up in bed being a hermit (Because we are guilty of it at one point or another). Because really, what better way to spend your time than being transported to a new world?